Training Update

8 Jun 2020 by maggie crofts

Return to Netball Guidelines

The following information is to assist you when attending training sessions.

We have had many discussions with our coaching team and SDNA and have been guided by them on when they are comfortable with a return to training.
Many teams have decided to wait until after the July school holidays whilst a few have decided to return now, both scenarios are totally fine and 100% backed by the committee.
If you are not yet returning to training please try to maintain some personal fitness at home. Your coaches have access to many fitness tutorials through and can help you maintain a fitness routine if you need some support.
If you are returning to training next week or in the coming weeks it’s really important to follow and observe the guidelines set out below.
Remember – returning to training is optional for you and your coach. However, after the school holidays (July) we would hope to see all our teams return to training. If you cannot attend or prefer not to in July, please have a chat with your coach.
The big question – when will match play start? At this stage we do not know until advised by Netball Victoria and the Department of Health. As soon as we do, we will update you. Its highly likely that SDNA will continue from where we left off in Season 1 so instead of running 2 seasons and two lots of fees, we run one long winter season. If this is the case then there will be no further fees to pay for 2020 (as long as you have paid season 1).
Players – Coaches: unless you have paid Netball Victoria Insurance fees you are NOT allowed to enter the courts to train.
All we ask now is that all our coaches, team members, parents, guardians abide to the guidelines – we do not want to be the club that gets the SDNA courts shut down.
The council are doing spot checks and if we are seen to be doing the wrong thing (i.e.not social distancing, not santizing the netballs, not santizing hands)
We cannot stress to you enough that there is to be NO game play, no half court set up, no wearing of bibs. The coming weeks are purely FUN – FITNESS – FOOTWORK.
Next Steps:

To return to training you will need to follow the guidelines set out by Netball Victoria and SDNA and your coach will discuss this with you. This is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our community. All our coaches have sat the Covid19 Department of Health “Infection Control Training” and have their certificates.

What to bring to training every week:

hand sanitizer (must be 60% alcohol or more)
water bottle
sweat towel
Please ensure ALL items are clearly labelled

Before you leave home:

Do you feel well? If YES, you can attend training. If unwell, please remain at home.
Before you leave home wash your hands with soap and water.
Bring your own hand sanitizer which must contain 60% or more alcohol
Bring your own towel
Bring your own water bottle
On arrival at courts

Parents MUST drop off and remain in car if staying at the courts. Parents must not enter the courts or the pavilion area. The council have made it very clear that they will shut the courts down if parents/players/coaches are not adhering to guidelines. Please chat to your child to arrange where to meet in the car park after training. If you have any concerns, please raise them with your coach. GET IN – TRAIN – GET OUT.
On arrival wait at the side of your nominated court for your coach (1.5m away from other people at all times). Your coach will let you know your court number prior to training. It will be the same court each week. Parents/guardians must NOT walk their child to their court.
When advised by your coach place your items along the court 1.5m away from your teammate. DO NOT PLACE ALL YOUR DRINK BOTTLES – JUMPERS etc. in one big pile. All items you bring must be spaced out along the court 1.5m apart.
When advised by your coach use your hand sanitizer. You can use this as often as you like during the session but if asked by the coach to use it please listen and action.
Your coach will then take the register to start the session. Please advise the coach if you have recently changed your number as we have to keep a register weekly of children and contact numbers.
The coach will have sanitized the ball at home and then will sanitize it again on arrival at training using a disposable wipe. The coach will repeat this process at the end of the session.
At all times LISTEN to your coach and remain 1.5m away from teammates. There is to be NO contact, NO match play – this is purely FUN-FITNESS-FOOTWORK. There will be minimum equipment used – only a netball. No cones/skipping ropes/bibs. etc
At the end of the session use your hand sanitizer when directed by your coach.
Ensure you remove all your items when you leave (Towel, water bottle, hand sanitizer) anything left behind will be placed in rubbish bins.
As you leave the courts remain 1.5m away from teammates and other people.
Do NOT wait around the pavilion you must keep moving out of the netball courts area.
Do NOT sit on the benches, walls or BBQ area.

The outside toilets will be open and will be unisex toilets.

We ask that all children wash their hands before leaving home and then at the courts use their own hand sanitizer to avoid large amounts of children gathering in the toilets to hand wash.

Please remind your children NO HUGGING – NO CONTACT – Elbow and toe tapping is definitely encouraged

We understand that there is a LOT of information to take on board here and we thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Please forward any questions to either your coach or to our Email address :

Thank you 

DIngley Junior Netball Committee

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